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What’s the cost? The economic case for trade remedies

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Trade remedies protect domestic businesses against injury caused by dumped or subsidised imports, or unforeseen surges in imports. They usually take the form of ad valorem tariffs. The Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) conducts investigations to determine whether to apply trade …

Know your tariff: getting to grips with the different forms of trade remedy measures

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At the Trade Remedies Authority, we conduct investigations and recommend trade remedy measures to counter imports which are causing or threatening injury to domestic industry. These measures can take alternative forms, but ultimately have the same effect of making it …

The blurring of boundaries between goods and services: what is the future for trade remedies?

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Row of colourful containers

In today’s age of economic digitisation, we live in a world that is not only more interconnected than ever, but also increasingly dominated by trade in services. Undoubtedly, this poses both challenges and opportunities for trade policy, as it tries …