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About this blog

Our blog provides an insight into our work and culture. It's a place where subject experts from across the Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) share experiences of the work they do and discuss some of the technical aspects of the UK’s trade remedies regime. If you’re a UK manufacturer or an importer, you can find out more about the UK’s trade remedies regime and how it may affect your business. 

Our cases are managed on our online Trade Remedies Service. This is where industries can register an application for a new measure, submit evidence and engage with our case teams. Our blog posts provide information on how to use our service and support you with this process. 

About us  

Trade remedies are a key plank of the UK’s post-Brexit independent trade policy. The TRA’s aim is to ensure that UK industry does not suffer injury from unfair international trade practices and to uphold rules-based international trade, as mandated by the World Trade Organization. The European Commission previously undertook this function for the UK and continues to do so for countries in the EU. The TRA now undertakes this function for the UK.  

We have been established as a Non-Departmental Public Body to undertake investigations into unfair trade practices and to make recommendations on appropriate measures to the Secretary of State for International Trade. Our overall mission is to defend UK economic interests against unfair international trade practices.  

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